Our masterclass in modern protocol in Brussels is given by 6 of the best European protocol experts

Our masterclass in modern protocol in Brussels is given by 6 of the best European protocol experts: former BBC newsreader Diana Mather, the number one Portuguese protocol expert Isabel Amaral, former Chief of Protocol of the European Parliament François Brunagel, Chief of Protocol of the International Criminal Court Bengt-Arne Hulleman, UK's number one etiquette William Hanson and founder & director of Protocolbureau Jean Paul Wyers. 

The masterclass takes place twice per year in Brussels and is followed by protocol staff, communication experts, event planners, PA's and staff of international and multilateral organizations. The masterclass is an interactive training consisting of assignments, exercises, group discussions and business cases.

Interested? Read about the next 'Three-day Masterclass in Modern Protocol on 13, 14 & 15 December on our website: protocolbureau.com/masterclass

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