How do you do

Most of the times it is better to say 'How do you do' in stead of 'Nice to meet you' - so said William Hanson of The English Manner tonight at a three-course etiquette dinner for the students of the minor 'Strategic Relationship Management'. 
The etiquette dinner is meant to improve the networking skills of the students and is part of the 12 EC minor 'Strategic Relationship Management', a programma that has been developped by the Hotelschool The Hague university in cooperation with the Institute of Strategic Relationship Management and the Protocolbureau. At this minor students learn to oversee the networking process of an organisation and increase the effectiveness of the networking meetings. 
William Hanson is the UK’s leading etiquette and Royal protocol expert. The Financial Times described him as 'special forces in the world of politeness, he has a staggering ability to make one feel the centre of attention and utterly inadequate at the same time'.
William Hanson is the author of the irreverent and indispensible manual of modern-day social climbing, The Bluffer’s Guide to Etiquette, which was released to high praise in January 2014 and he is the leading expert and consultant in etiquette for BBC & Sky News. 
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